Thursday, January 25, 2007

OMG work was AWFUL today!! I had to deal with these really really REALLY whiny customers who would just NOT SHUT UP!?! it's like, Nobody cares about your problems, you know? >:( when I got home i watched some anime i had on my tivo. adult swim has good stuff on, but it's too late sometimes!! past my bedtime. They also have some rly bad stuff on later, like voltron. what a boring show, it's just a rip-off of power rangers. and the animation is verry bad. but watching inu made me feel better about my day at work!! sometimes i wish ~I~ had a magical well that would take me away to fuedal japan where i didn't have to deal with STUPID PEOPLE all day long. *sigh* Inu, take me away from here, lol!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tim and I made a movie today, it was soooooo much fun!! it was about some kids who get lost in the woods and get chased by a monster, he said he got the idea from some movie in the 80's. the monster was just john with a crdboard box on his head. we drew and angry face on it with pointy teeth. tim says he doesn't think he can put the video on the internet until he can switch it to his other camera, and WHO KNOWS when that will be. but don't wory gentle readers, i'll have it posted asap. after we filmed the movie we went back 2 shellys house because she rented howls moving castle. have you heard of it?! if not, def check it out, bcause it was really cool. Howl-san wa kawaii desune? I love bishies like that!! *glomps howl*

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

been a while since i posted, huh? don't worry, my childrens, i have good news! i just heard that today is the one year anniversary of phantom of the opera becoming the number 1 longest running show on broadway!!! waiii~! Isn't that great? the phantom is soooo dreamy, is expecially like gerard butler as the phantom in the the movie version. omg, did you see him all naked in 300? that was so icky, he's soooooo much cuter with the phantom's mask.
soooooo much cuter
^just a little pix i found on google, had to save it
you know what im talking about!!